~Can you tell us about the five Keys and why they are important?
There are a lot of books with success formulas, but success principles are really pretty simple. If we just learn to master five basic aspects, Five Keys - developing a positive attitude, learning people skills, raising self-esteem, overcoming fears, and setting goals – then we’ll have all it takes to lead a successful, productive and fulfilling life. These Five Keys work in conjunction with one another, too. We cannot focus on just one aspect, nor is any one Key above the rest. We can’t have a good self-esteem if we allow fear to continue holding us prisoner. Or possess a positive attitude if we refuse to deal positively with other people. It’s all or nothing!

~Can these Keys be applied to all aspects of life or are they better suited for work related goals?
All aspects! Human beings need goals to survive – they motivate us and force us to grow and change. (“Where there is not vision, the people perish.” – Proverbs 29:18) We need goals in all areas of our life, and the Five Keys help us to accomplish those dreams. Again, success principles are very universal.
~As a member of the National Speakers Association, you travel the East Coast for seminars. When traveling, have you found a good system to keep track of your business expenses?
I keep a small notebook in the car for mileage and I am very diligent in writing down each business-related excursion. Any expense – from buying a coffee to hotel rooms – I save the receipt and organize upon my return. (I am an uber-organized person – I have lists for my lists!) I’ve had several years of accounting and really enjoy it, so I stay on top of recording monthly expenses and income. I’ve never used a computer program, either. I created my own ledger instead, and even my accountant says it is scary organized!
~When you approach a bookstore to schedule a promotional event, are they usually receptive? Can you share one tip with us on how to make this a positive experience?
Yes! Now in my home state, Barnes & Noble prefers multi-author events, although I’ve done numerous solo appearances elsewhere. Borders also seems gun-shy to do events right now, but everyone else is very receptive.
My one tip – make the event fun for the manager and staff as well! I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve heard the staff tell me that most authors ignore them. Involve those working while you are in the store – take photos of them, talk with them, give them bookmarks… And be sure to send a thank you card – most authors forget this as well. Even if you don’t move many books, if you were a joy to work with, the store will welcome you back anytime!
Over the years, though, bookstores have become less ideal for authors. A bookstore really is the worst way to move books! I still make store appearances, but I’ve found far greater success as far as book sales at my speaking engagements.
~I understand you manage an online writer’s group. Can you tell us about the group?

It’s on the social site Deviant Art. I and two other members founded it almost three years ago and we have close to 500 members now. Only a small percentage of members are active at any given time, just like any organization, but that’s probably a good thing! We have contests & exercises, and the members submit their work to the club for feedback and critiques. We’ve stressed from the beginning that it’s family-friendly and we want encouraging comments. (Which is really the definition of critiquing – to make a thing better with positive suggestions of improvement.)
L. Diane Wolfe is also the author of a young adult series of books entitled The Circle of Friends, which are available online & retail. She enjoys life with her husband and two cats in North Carolina. You can catch her on tour this fall as she makes stops in GA, NC, SC, and VA. Visit her page on Book Tour for specific locations and dates: Book Tour or visit her online at Spunk on a Stick.net or The Circle of Friends.net.
Thanks so much for hosting me today!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful interview! Brigitte I commend you on such unique and diverse questions.
ReplyDeleteI have read Overcoming Obstacles with Spunk! and it is very motivating - and very inspiring. Diane has a wonderful way at relaying messages in such a way that it's not at all like "learning" how to do something or incorporating something new into your life in order to obtain and reach your goals. It's more like sitting back and having a conversation with a friend where you come away feeling enlightened and full of enthusiasm.
One thing I found especially interesting in this interview was Diane's tip about bookstore appearances. I can imagine that many authors do very often tend to forget about the staff! Everyone likes - at the very least - to be acknowledged! And it certainly makes sense that that kind of courtesy would be remembered and appreciated.
Hi Diane,
ReplyDeleteWell, there you are again, out and about on another electronic itenerary and gracing yet one more host's blog.
I have a book signining at a Borders Books tomorrow, and I totally agree to make the event fun for the manager and staff as well. I have seen authors, sometimes sitting with an agent, not engaging with the general buying population or the staff. I can't fathom being distant from the people you want to buy your book.
Stephen Tremp